Thursday, October 31, 2019
Principles of Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Principles of Banking and Finance - Essay Example The attractive mortgage lending was based on a faulty premise that the house prices would continue rising, thus over-lending by the banks, in total disregard of the likelihood of repayment. When the false bubble in the mortgage lending finally burst, the financial crisis began taking its toll, many loans were unrecovered by the banks and the banks become bankrupt. The third force behind the credit crisis was global imbalances; the developing Asian exporting countries had large current account surpluses, a situation that has been defined as â€Å"global savings glut†. This situation led to an inevitable influx of capital into the US thus leading to the bubble in share prices in the late 1990s, and the bubble in house prices accordingly; however, the US current account deficits kept going up from the 1990s due to offsetting inflows of capital to the US. In addition, another influential force that was behind the credit crisis was deregulation policies, which had left the exchange rates to be influenced by foreign exchange markets (Evans17); deregulation of the financial sector in response to neo-liberal government policies led to the expansion of the US’s financial sector. In line with the expansions were the emergence of new and riskier financial instruments and accumulated credit; this is what led to the stock market bubble and the housing bubble accordingly. Finally, the credit crisis can be attributed to excess capital in terms of huge sums of capital that had been stashed in the US and Europe at the time (Evans19); this led to stagnation in household incomes, thus constrained purchasing power of the population. This condition led to increased borrowing in households so as to sustain consumption and a built up of debt securities; extensive borrowing to finance consumption spending in turn led to a rise in asset value, but when the rise could not be sustained any further, the growth of consumption stopped suddenly and recession began. Q2 It has be en proven beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, the US government treated some financial institutions differently during the credit crisis. For instance, when the Wall Street Investment bank Lehman Brothers crumpled in response to the crisis, there was a dramatic fall in the global economy; this was a great blow to the financial sector and many people lost faith in the banking system. However, exactly one month after the bank had collapsed and caused a global outcry, the US congress passed a bank bailout scheme that was labeled Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (Fareed). The Troubled Asset Relief Program entailed taking billions of taxpayer money and using it to bail out financial institutions from the deep pits of the credit crisis; ironically, the same financial institutions that were now being bailed out by TARP had caused the credit crisis in question. Questions have been raised with respect to the way the US government reacted at the onset of the credit crisis; one of the most serious questions that arose is with regards to whether the Lehman Brothers could be saved or not. Thus exactly, why
Monday, October 28, 2019
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton Essay Example for Free
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton Essay The House of Mirth is separated into two books of approximately equal length, with Book I having at least thirty more pages than the other. In the commencement of Book I, the central character, who goes by the name of Lily Bart is twenty-nine years old and gets acquainted with the fact that she is on the threshold of losing her influence to hang about in society by the desirable quality of her looks and charisma alone. She believes that getting married is her only way out. The itinerary of Book I describe Lily’s tribulations in accomplishing this goal. By the end, Lily has continued to exist after an attempted rape which nonetheless hurts her repute and causes her to be unable to find the high regard of Lawrence Selden and is desperately in liability. Book II, commences in Monte Carlo with additional and given up for lost scandal, moves to New York and additional debt. It ends in deficiency, lonesomeness, and an unintentional death that could without difficulty be called a suicide. Similarities The story presented by Edith Wharton is rather tragic. It is about a beautiful, high-spirited woman who is in dire need of getting over the manipulations of others and the extremely stern society around her. The only assets that the central character Lily has are her beauty and charisma. She is well-acquainted with the rules of the upper class New York society of 1905. Lily tells Lawrence that, a girl must [get married] and a man if he chooses†. (Wharton, p. 165) Lily basically is totally dependant on her aunt for her financial expenses and believes that she should get married to a wealthy man as soon as possible. But, as she confesses, she always does the right thing at the wrong time. She is nearly married to about three different men who are pretty wealthy but she is not able to go ahead with it. She is in love with Lawrence, but considering the fact that he is not rich and has to work to make both ends meet, she does not even let herself imagine that she should marry him. She comprehends the susceptibility of her position she does not have any fortune of her own, and for that reason her reputation must be impeccable. The people that she is surrounded by have minds like moral flypaper they can forgive a woman anything but the loss of her good name. Unfortunately, Lilys inherent honesty makes it impossible for her to realize the treachery and desperation around her. She makes some foolish choices: We resist the great temptations, but it is the little ones that eventually pull us down. (The House of Mirth, p. 1). In both the movie and the book, perhaps her only mistake is that she ends up trusting all the wrong people. Because of this we can see in the movie and the novel that her reputation is looked down upon and she ends up owing a great deal of money to a man who misused her trust and made attempts to ruin her reputation. As is said, we witness in the movie that â€Å"by the time she is willing to accept the proposal of businessman Sim Rosedale (Anthony LaPaglia), he is no longer willing to offer her the position of wife, only mistress. Rosedale has a kind heart, and he likes Lily. But he is a businessman with ambitions of being fully accepted into society, and he can see that Lily is damaged goods. Perhaps her very willingness to accept him makes her less appealing†(The House of Mirth, p. 1). Lily realizes the sensitivity of her position in the society and she realizes that nothing she does would be right for her after she has been betrayed by nearly everyone and is shunned aside by her society. She now makes attempts in both the movie and the novel to support herself first as secretary/companion to a vulgar social-climber, then as an internee in a millinery shop. She makes one last exaggerated plea for help from her cousin, and also comprehends a drastic attempt at blackmail, but that is a great temptation she is able to resist. The movie definitely is a great adaptation of the novel written by the author with first-rate performances and extravagant details of that period. Edith Whartons 1905 The House of Mirth, apparently is a novel about early-20th century New York upper classes, and is really an outer-space story, and instinctively at least, the director Terence Davies seems to know it. In order to Whartons book to the display, Davies takes care to get all the accouterments right: the depressively sparkling balls and social gatherings of turn-of-the-century Manhattan society life, the faux-rustic lavishness of the nation state homes of the rich, the odd rules and regulations and subtexts prowling behind the way a woman might trip her delicately gloved hand into that of a man. In Whartons view, and in Davies, it is an ambiance that is hospitable on the exterior but fastened with fatal gas, an accurate arrangement of molecules that looks for and finds and strangles the life out of foreign creatures, like Whartons great conqueror Lily Bart, who need air and brightness and love. It takes one beautiful alien to play Bart. Davies The House of Mirth is not anything like a science-fiction movie, for sure, apart from the way it uses ambiance to communicate a sneaking pastiness of claustrophobia and even danger. What is evident from the first frame, just like it is evident in the beginning of the novel by Wharton, is that Lily is a human being who just does not fit in this world. What is worst is that she herself believes and is convinced with this fact. The deception of the story, nevertheless, is that we are not in actuality sure about the origin of Lily; Whartons wrapping up is that there are no definable monetary, communities or devout divisions that are moderately right for her, and Davies movie, with all its miserable sophistication, incarcerates the real meaning of that peripatetic restiveness. A gorgeously beautiful but spinster woman of twenty-nine with deteriorating prediction, Lily has been raised to accept as true that luxury is exactly what she deserves. Hence, Lily lives further than her means, relying for the most part on the resentful contributions of her elderly aunt, Mrs. Peniston. All the lacking that Lily suffers because she does not have money, she makes up for in behavior of verbal communication and coquetry: she has the ability as well as the charm to turn any encounter into an enticing meeting. Nevertheless her game playing, as Wharton has written and as Anderson plays it, is not entrenched in heartlessness. It is more a particular kind of non-interventionist resourcefulness, such that her possible love interest and a little bit retribution Lawrence Selden are overwhelmed by it. I always like to see what youre doing, he tells her only half-teasingly. Youre such a wonderful spectacle. (Wharton, p. 35) To keep herself buoyant economically, Lily is desperately in need of a husband, but she is disastrous in finding one due to the fact that, deep down, she knows she does not want one. She is most involved with Selden, a legal representative of self-effacing means who lives for books and fine art and a warm fire. But not even Selden is a sanctuary for her considering that he proves himself competent of devastating coldness. And after Lily unsuspectingly puts herself in a negotiative position with a married friend, Gus Trenor, she comes to realize that she will have to make her own money to support herself. The movie presents to us that Whartons book is not an assembling cry for womens expressive and financial self-government. It is far more understated, and a lot less joyful, than that. But the narrative repetitively affirms the worth of that self-determination, exclusively by showing us how tantalizingly it is kept out of poor Lilys reach. The movie incarcerates something of Whartons reticent tenderness and attractive rhythms in the way it sets Lily revolving on her unhurried spiral to calamity. The movie takes a few emancipations with the story, concentrating, for example, two of Whartons innovative characters into one. The movie House of Mirth is a dignified movie, sometimes too much so, moving with the momentum and sprightliness of a dowager aunt and the channel of communication, much of it taken straight from the novel is from time to time stiff and discomfited. But the movie does an unimpeachable job of screening to us, in the first half of the movie, both the mesmerizing comforts and the tediousness of the life Lily desires to, with its seamless drawing rooms and unnaturally effervescent parties. The second half is shadowy and more visually solemn, as Lily thrashes about to keep her existence together. But that pessimism makes it obvious that this less-glamorous continuation is not right for Lily, either. She can be considered an exotic bird, in poor condition for the filth and dirt of the everyday world but far too unexpected to be serving tea to rich, unintelligent gentlepeople. Lily, too contemporary, too fundamental and too beautiful, fits nowhere, in no detailed society, time or place (Zacharek, p. 1). Edith Wharton plots The House of Mirth on a sequence of meetings set in vibrantly distinct social settings. The first communal setting is Lawrence Selden’s residence at the Benedict and the convention is between him and Lily Bart. The second is the Trenors’ country house throughout a week-long party. In the pinnacle, Wharton shows with great power the sexual operation at the heart of the financial dependence of women. In the increasing action, Wharton sets up the rudiments of Lily Bart’s personality by showing her in stroke in a social situation which restrains her choices. In the lessening action, when Lily Bart has been evicted from the society that has prearranged her values, Wharton shows that Lily Bart is not ready to become accustomed to a dissimilar way of life. Lily Bart becomes a disastrous figure; trying with her imperfect moral possessions to live up to her intellect of what is right, even when it means facing impoverishment (Wharton, p. 25). Conclusion In the light of the above discussion we can hereby culminate that the movie and the novel namely The House of Mirth written by Edith Wharton has much in common.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay
Comparing Of The Presidencies Of Obama And Bush Politics Essay The founding of the American nation was largely dependent on the opinions of two groups of people based on their views and opinions regarding the constitution at the time. It was age whereby the citizens of America had just begun to recover from the effect of civil war and the constitution was a largely debated area as each group of people had interests in it. The two groups of people now referred to as federalists and anti-federalists wanted each of their concerns to be noted and certain parts of the constitution, which in their opinion was not fair, amended. Thus the two groups formed the basis of the two major political parties in the United States, The Republicans and The Democrats. This paper therefore shall compare the presidencies of two presidents, President elect Barrack Obama and his predecessor George W. Bush. It shall analyze their actions while in office, both economic and domestic, their effects and try to make comparisons with the views of the founding federalists and anti-federalists. Furthermore, it shall try to conclude which president fits into which mold; whether they are anti-federalists or federalists. George W. Bush ran for presidency in the year 2000 and termed himself a passionate conservative. With reference to foreign policy he heavily criticized the actions of Al Gore in sending U.S troops for peace-keeping missions that he deemed were not vital to national interest. However, at the same time he was pushing for more funding for the Pentagon and was seen calling for more action and tougher posture against  ¿Ã‚ ½rogue ¿Ã‚ ½ countries such as Iraq and North Korea. One of the goals in the bush presidency was to accelerate progress on deregulating industry and implementing tax reductions in an attempt to weaken the federal government thus strengthening the conservative agenda. The administration relied on executive authority to relax the workplace as well as the environmental regulations. Bush sought to weaken the fiscal, standing of the Treasury and to roll back those areas of the government that were most vulnerable politically. The effect of this was powerful as the tax cuts distributed government benefits to Americans, rich and wealthy, which constituted a core part of the Republican coalition. Bush reflected in his practices the policies used by former republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. The policies involved placing politically motivated administrators with vested interests in important positions. These administrators were unsympathetic to the programs they managed and thus were ruthless when doing their work. An effect of this was a range of new advisory bodies developed around the presidency, many of which complemented the main cabinet departments, with the cabinet declining in influence. The National Security Council and the Office of Management and Budget are prime examples. The attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11 2001 offered Bush an opportunity to establish his political credibility, to reassert presidential leadership and to defend the interests of the United States. Through the event of the United States bombing in 9/11, Bush pushed aggressively for the use of executive-centered national security programs. Such programs involved the expansion of interrogation techniques including torture, which broke the national precedent and ignored international laws on detainee treatment. After the 9/11 event Bush announced an all-out war on terrorism and ordered the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As the United States entered recession in 2007, the bush administration through the enactment of several economic programs took a more direct control of the United States economy in an attempt to preserve the country ¿Ã‚ ½s financial system. These policies included among others implementing a 170 billion economic stimulus package which aimed at sending tax rebate checks to Americans and providing tax breaks for struggling businesses. However, the policies were ill-equipped to deal with the looming financial crisis in what is termed to be the longest recession after World War 2 in history. The Presidency of Barrack Obama Obama, within his first 100 days set up to gather up support for his economic stimulus package otherwise known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He further put through Congress the expanded State Health Insurance program. Furthermore, his administration was able to put into law the Ledbetter law which requires equal pay for women in all sectors. The obama administration is also credited with legislating health care reforms. This was done through winning the approval of the congress on a budget resolution regarding the matter. In his campaign and since Obama has heavily criticized the bush administration for ignoring the situation there and focusing too much on Iraq. At the onset of his campaign, Obama promised to withdraw all United States troops from Iraq, within 16 months, though he has laxed on this view, his actions seem to be more anti-war and catious. Analysts have commented that Obama ¿Ã‚ ½s view on United States emphasis being on Afghanistan as a politically correct stand on the issue. Moreover, the Obama administration broke supported the United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity and relaxed the enforcement on marijuana laws. It also lifted the ban on embryonic stem research put in place since the Bush administration. Obama also ordered the closure of the Guatanamo bay detention camp in Cuba which was notorious for the infringement of human and detainee rights. Comparison of the two presidents with the federalists and anti-federalists views When comparing the presidencies of the Bush and Obama administrations against the federalists and anti-federalist views it is important to consider what these people based their views on. The Anti-federalists were of the opinion, at the time of founding, that Congress and the executive b ranch of the government wielded too much power. They were also of the opinion that vthe constitution gave too much national power at the expense of the state governments. Additionally they were displeased by the lack of a bill of human rights within the constitution. The federalists, on the other hand responded that the separation of powers into three independent branches protected the rights of the people. Each branch was in fact representing a different aspect of the people and as all three were equal, there was fair say among all the branches and thus equity among the people. With this perspective in mind, we can now compare the two presidents. Former president Bush was largely conservative and this was evident through the socio-economic problems that his administration ¿Ã‚ ½s actions caused. Thus it can be seen that he would largely fit in with the anti-federalist group. Furthermore, his actions to weaken the federal government so as to strengthen the conservative side of the government wing show that he is more anti-federalist than a federalist. President Obama, however, would more fit in with the federalist group. His actions largely bordering on developing policies that benefit all Americans equally show a federalist nature. His call to strengthen the federal government and his actions of abandoning the Bush administration policies further reinforce this fact. Though it can be seen that through his action, President Obama is setting into the mold of a federalist it is still too young in his presidential term to conclude on the issue. Conclusion Though neither president exactly fits into the mould of either federalists or anti-federalists, it can be summarized that through their actions during their term of presidency, George. W. Bush was more of an anti-federalist and President elect Barrack Obama more of a federalist.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Leadership Traits for the New Millennium :: Business Management
Leadership Traits for the New Millennium In reading through the leadership articles assigned, there were several leadership theories that I could identify most readily to what I believe my own leadership style to be. These are Transformational, Servant-Leader, and Chaordic. The readings presented many characteristics of what the authors saw as important to becoming the best leader possible. To evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in questions #1 and #2 I used the characteristics from the Little article, Leadership Traits for the New Millennium as I thought they encompassed many of the traits discussed in the other articles as well as being put forward as key components of leadership’s future directions. I see each of these traits as a continuum so I will address both strengths and weaknesses at the same time. My strengths and weaknesses as a senior level leader interviewing for Chief Information Officer at a higher education institution. I begin my self-evaluation with change readiness. While I have made good strides in learning about change, the need for change, and preparing for change, I do believe that this is one area where I would like to target time for more development. Whether upbringing or lack of experience, I have always known the need for change but have not been quick to implement it. I believe I have the skills to lead change once decisions for changes have been made but I need to work on making that timely decision for change in the first place. Related to change is adaptability. Again, I feel like I am able to lead change once it has been decided but I have a harder time adapting to that initial need for change. My experience has been in steady state environments where the need for adaptability has not been a much-needed commodity, so again, I see a need to be introduced to a more dynamic environment to learn and experience adaptability. With that said however, I do see myself as one that can go with the flow and not being the one who is always in control. I feel that some of the best outcomes have been achieved from leadership from behind and have no trouble facilitating group leadership. I also feel I have a very good sense of keeping vision and mission on course. I think one of my major strengths is sensitivity.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Riordan Manufacturing Proposal Package
Running Header: PROPOSAL PACKAGE Proposal Package Stephen J Kiser University of Phoenix March 22, 2010 Cover Letter The goal is over the next 18 months to develop a system that will allow for the production of both our generic electric fans and personalized fans offered at our China location to become a more stream line process and adopt more of a just-in-time manufacturing approach. In order to make this process a reality the IT department will sent a request to develop an automated ordering system that will allow for quick and accurate tracking of inventory level and ordering of new inventory. The IT department will also be requested to order new bar coding systems that will allow for all merchandise and raw materials to be bar coded, and will decrease the time needed to verify new shipments. The suggestion will also be made to supplement the supply chain by adding an additional provider of electronic fan motors since the company currently being used does not have a perfect track record of dependable on time deliveries of needed inventory. Supplementing this provider will increase the successfulness of the company’s change from a stock-to-market approach to a just-in-time manufacturing approach. Materials Requirement Plan Materials Requirement Planning is an integral part of any manufacturing based business. According to The Free Dictionary’s definition of materials requirement planning is that this system â€Å"provides the user with information about timing (when to order) and quantity (how much to order), generates new rders, and reschedules existing orders as necessary to meet the changing requirements of customers and manufacturing†(2009). This definition of materials requirement planning illustrates the importance of having an excellent system in place to make certain that ordering needed materials is done in an orderly fashion that allows for the needed materials to be on hand, but will not result in an instance of having excessive amounts of inventory in stock that will need to be held for long periods of time, or that may not be used at all. For this reason Riordan needs to develop a strategy that will allow for a computerized inventory system to be utilized, which will allow for ordering to be done when materials reach a certain point so that the company doesn’t experience any down time due to insufficient amounts of inventory. One method that can be utilized to increase the efficiency in the current method of shipping and receiving raw materials would be to have a computerized system that automatically orders materials bases on sales projections entered into the system by the shipping supervisor. When orders are received the current technique is to have all orders checked first by the shipping supervisor and then unloaded by a team of employees. However, this could be streamlined as well and each incoming package be labeled with a bar code that the unloading team could then scan and after the truck had been completely unloaded the computer system would then compare what was ordered to what was received and make adjustments accordingly. New Process Design for Production of Electric Fans Currently Riordan produces the electric fans at the plant located in China. This allows for the company to utilize the cheaper resources and labor that is associated with this area. Currently the process that is utilized is that the plastic polymers used in the production of the fans are bought locally, along with the completed fan engines that will power the electric fans. The plant in China then injects the plastics into molding machines that create the various plastic parts that will be used in the completed project. Once the products are completed the plant will then ship these electric fans to anywhere in the World through use of FedEx. This process design for the production of the electric fans is sound and seems not to have any negative effects associated with this process. The only changes that could possibly be made to increase efficiency are the method used in determining what amount of products needs to be ordered. Currently the method is extrapolation based on the previous three years of sales, due to the issue with on time deliveries this method is understandable, but perhaps isn’t the most cost efficient. If the company was able to develop a more reliable supply chain than currently exist this would allow for more â€Å"real time†ordering to be done and thus the company could experience a higher degree of dynamic production capacity than currently exist (Riordan, 2009). Supply Chain for Electric Fans Currently the supply chains that exist for the Chinese plant that produces the electric fans is the purchasing of plastic polymers, used in the production of the plastic components of the fans, and ordering of the completed electric motors used to power these fans. According to the Riordan Manufacturing website there seems to be no obvious flaws with the shipments being received of the plastic polymers or any of the miscellaneous equipment used in the production of the plastic fans. However, there is only a 93% chance that the shipments of the electric fan motors will be received on time. This may not appear to be an issue to some companies but can be extremely important when attempting to develop a real time ordering system that required on time shipment of all goods and services so as not to stop the production process. For, this reason the easiest way to ensure on time delivery of these items would be to expand the sources for these parts outside of the one company that is currently used so that if one location cannot provide on time delivery of needed equipment then the other location can be utilized to maintain an steady shipment of the needed equipment to produce these electric fans. Productions Forecast for Electric Fans Currently the production forecast being utilized by the company is a make-to-stock production forecast model in which the company uses the past hree years of ordering data and through forecasting attempt to develop production level goals for the plant. This approach heavily relies on the idea that the past will repeat itself, which isn’t the case many times. This approach results in overproduction in times of economic downturn, while it may result in under production of products in periods of economic growth. This is why the suggestion is to create a more dependable supp ly chain and turn the process into a just-in-time approach, since this technique would be better suited for the individualized products that the Riordan location in China offers to customers. This would also allow for more real time data to be used when attempting developing forecasting plans and would allow for short-term changes made to the production capacity of the plant depending on the current economic situation. Implementation Plan The first task that needs to be completed in order to make the suggested changes listed above would be to complete the database system that would be responsible for tracking inventory at the electric fan plant. Developing this system would require that either an internal or external IT department be consulted or a plan of action be developed which would allow for the development of the software and purchasing of the hardware needed for this process. As the software is being developed the current amounts of inventory must first be entered into the new system that will be tracking the usage and ordering of the equipment needed in the production of the electric fans. Once this information is entered the system must have minimal information entered which will allow for the system to realize when ordering new materials is needed so that the plant does not exhaust the resources on hand before a new order is received. Once this software has been installed hardware will need to be purchased that will allow for the bar-coding of merchandise and for incoming orders to be scanned and electronically entered into the system. The second element associated with the changes being suggested is the increase in the reliability of the supply chain. First negotiations may need to take place with the initial provider of electric fan motors to ascertain exactly how many of these motors can be purchases and within what time frame and the order be guaranteed to be delivered on time. Once this information is gathered the company can attempt to set up a secondary provider of these completed motors that will ship the parts that the initial supplier may not be able to guarantee on time delivery of. Once these negotiations have taken place this information can be entered into the ordering data base so that the system will automatically order the needed parts from the supplier that will be able to ship the equipment so the orders will be received on the specified need date. References Riordan Manufacturing. (2009) Intranet. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/business/riordan/RioMfgHome002. htm The Free Dictionary. (2009). Materials Resource Planning. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://encyclopedia2. thefreedictionary. com/Material+Resource+Planning
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy Essays
Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy Essays Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy Paper Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy Paper Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy: Abstract:            Assistive technology has continued to have positive impacts on individuals with cerebral palsy and other impairments. This paper examines the major impact of this kind of technology on cerebral palsy patients. The purpose of this paper is to highlight these positive impacts while describing how different assistive technology methods work. One of the assistive technology methods that are discussed in this paper is augmentative communication devices. In addition to giving a brief description of various augmentative communication devices, the paper analyzes the impact of these devices on students in the school setting.            Advances in gait restoration and rehabilitation technology are also discussed in this paper. As compared to previous years, the paper show how advances in gait restoration produces improved results for people with mobility impairments. Moreover, the paper also shows some of the proven examples of rehabilitation technology for people with cognitive disabilities. Introduction: Cerebral Palsy can be defined as the lack of control of the muscles or joints because of an injury that occurs during brain development. This injury usually results in disrupted coordinated movement and frequently affects young children. On the other hand, cerebral palsy can also be described as a group of disorders that usually affects motor function and varying in severity. This type of disease normally displays itself in various forms depending with the area in which it has affected and the extent it has covered. Moreover, cerebral palsy has adverse effects that may lead to mental disabilities, seizures, communication problems, auditory problems, visual problems as well as other possible impairments. While debilitating a child from infancy, cerebral palsy can sometimes be gentle depending on the location and level of the damage. Children who suffer from this disease sometimes need support in order to eat, talk or walk properly. On the other hand, some of the people suffering from this kind of disease may have slight or nearly invisible impairments while other patients have difficulty performing even the most common tasks. Assistive technology devices are equipments, paraphernalia or services that not only improve the function of mental or physical ability but are also designed for people with various impairments. Due to the fact that these devices improve the function of some mental or physical ability, they are used by both children and adults who may be suffering from diverse range of disabilities. Impact of Assistive Technology on Cerebral Palsy Patients: The major impact that assistive technology devices have on individuals with cerebral palsy is that it gives them more independence, range of movement as well as employment opportunities. In fact, different forms of assistive technology help in situations such as speech loss, balance and lack of motor function among others. Not only do assistive technology devices help cerebral palsy patients with these problems, but they also enable the patients to live to their fullest potentials. The major aim for the use of assistive technology devices in patients with cerebral palsy is to compensate for mental or physical impairments. Assistive technology devices can also permit increased mobility, communication and the integration of electronic equipments such as computers into daily life. While electronic wheelchairs are used to increase mobility, keypads and computers are used for communication purposes. Most importantly, there are various ways through which computers and the Internet can be accessed with assistive technology. This includes the use of complicated scanning equipments, voice detection software, on-screen keyboards and head controlled pointing devices. Nonetheless, these various ways allow a patient with cerebral palsy to use the technology accordingly (â€Å"Assistive Technology†n.d.). For patients with language or speech problems, portable or computer related machines that can speak for them may be utilized. There are other assistive technology devices that help in the day to day requirements like in using televisions, radios, showers and toilets among others. Given the fact that cerebral palsy patients do not frequently experience impaired mental ability, assistive technologies are therefore extremely important for them. In fact, through these assistive technologies, cerebral palsy patients can interact with the society, go to school or even get a career. Unfortunately, many cerebral palsy patients do not obtain these assistive technologies because of prohibitive costs. One of the key examples of the impact of assistive technology on individuals with cerebral palsy is in the school setting. Through assistive technology, students with walking and speech problems have their electronic wheelchairs fixed or attached with computer boards. In addition to enabling these students to engage in meaningful words and speech practices, the electronic wheelchairs allow them to move around freely. Therefore, assistive technology enables students with cerebral palsy to access quality education. Augmentative Communication Devices:            Augmentative communication devices are methods which are designed to help patients with speech problems to communicate more easily and effectively. These communication devices include a board with pictures that represents a student’s day to day life as well as electronic speech synthesizers. In addition to helping impaired children to engage in normal activities with other children, augmentative communication devices not only help them feel a sense of self-governing but also enables them to realize their dreams in life. However, poor families cannot afford augmentative communication devices because this kind of technology may be expensive for them. There are various augmentative communication devices such as Manual Communication Boards:            These are inexpensive and practical mode through which an individual or student with cerebral palsy can communicate easily and efficiently. Manual communication boards are systems with no mechanical parts and are personalized to reflect a child’s daily routine. The boards contain information which represents the user’s message. In most cases, a board maker is used in creating a communication board (Kahn n.d.). Dynavox: Dynavox is another form of device that has been specifically designed to assist the user in relaying output communication. In creating information the user is supposed to select a menu with a definite category by touching the screen of a computer. The categories then display folders that are similar to computer folders. The selected category gives the user a subcategory of information from which they use the needed information. For example, in a school setting, information relating to the number of subjects, school routine, or even the total number of students in at school is displayed. Dynavox communication device has helped children to modify categories that corresponded to their information. Dynavox has also made it possible for young children with cerebral palsy to access information that is appropriate to their learning. Children who can’t use their hands properly because of the damage of cerebral palsy are provided with a switch that is attached to the machine. This switch enables them to communicate easily through pushing it with their chin, legs or even their feet. For patients with visual disabilities, a switch is provided with which they activate the device when the appropriate words or phrases are heard. However, dyvanox is machine that is hard to be understood by slow learners and may be relatively expensive to some people. BIGmack:            This is a lightweight and easily portable augmentative device that enables messages or a series of messages to be pre-recorded. When a child touches the BIGmack, the pre-recorded message is played back and the child can participate in classroom activities if the pre-recorded information relates to these activities. This device is effective in a unique way considering that most of the children with cerebral palsy may from time to time suffer from memory loss. Delta Talker:            This is an augmentative communication device that resembles a computer keyboard and can be used by both initial and more advanced communicators. However, delta talker differs from the normal computer keyboard because various pictures and words are combined to make a sentence instead of the writing of words and sentences. Notably, delta talker can produce more than four thousand words, phrases and sounds because it comprises of pictures and word keys as well as letters of the alphabet. Impact of Augmentative Communication Devices: As computer technology continues to advance allowing for more powerful and easy to use designs, augmentative communication devices are making huge strides. The impact of augmentative communication devices on students in the school setting is that it enables students with cerebral palsy to access quality education regardless of their disabilities. These devices enable these students to receive quality education just like other students. Various augmentative devices provide effective methods of communication between the students with their teachers. For example, dyvanox has improved the way in which information is conveyed particularly to those that are adversely affected with cerebral palsy. On the other hand, board makers have so far been identified as one of the most efficient and cheap method of relaying information. Board makers allow students with cerebral palsy to easily understand information as well as being affordable to those who are not in a position of accessing expensive augmentative communication tools. Augmentative communication devices also enable students in the school setting to access quality education because some of these tools allow children to modify information into categories that are relevant to them. For instance, a dyvanox for a ten year old may contain information concerning home, school or sports. Gait Restoration: The recent advances in gait restoration have produced improved outcomes for people with mobility impairments. In fact, these recent advances in the science field have also helped research toward the re-establishment of biped gait in paraplegic patients. This increased mobility for paraplegic patients has been accomplished by the means of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) which re-strengthens the muscles of the patients. In order to attain improved mobility for the patients, functional electrical stimulation incorporates preserved reflex mechanisms of the transected spinal cord (Kralj A. et al n.d.). According to recent research, paraplegic patients can perform functions such as standing or rising from a sitting position through the use of functional electrical stimulation. Muscles that are re-strengthened by the use of functional electrical stimulation can later be used to perform tasks that need high muscle forces. The execution of these functions is dependant on the development and establishment of the functional electrical stimulation cycles which in turn results in necessary movements. However, gait restoration may lead to hazardous situation if improper FES sequences are used. This is due to the fact that these improper functional electrical stimulation cycles provoke movements that digress from the intended function. Even though the use of FES in gait restoration has disadvantages like difficulties with electrode placement, the need for expensive technology, insufficient selectivity as well as scarce knowledge of neurology and neuroanatomy, this method of gait restoration has increased patients’ mobility. On the other hand, FES as a means of gait restoration has produced improved outcomes for people with mobility impairments because of its numerous advantages. These advantages include the use of preserved reflexes, normal bone support of body weights and joints, lack of external braces and lack of force transfers with levers. These recent advances in gait restoration also increases mobility because external control for locomotion is no longer used as was the case in previous gait restoration methods such as exoskeleton. The current methods of gait restoration not only use electrical stimulation for triggering purposes but also provide a self-regenerating energy supply. Moreover, gait restoration increases mobility because patient suitability, testing of muscle suitability, muscle re-strengthening program and simple gait training are conducted. Rehabilitation Technology and Cognitive Disabilities:            Cognitive disabilities can be defined as substantial limitation of a person’s capacity to think, remember, interpret and understand number and symbols. People with cognitive disabilities have difficulties in planning, conceptualizing and organizing thoughts and actions. These cognitive disabilities can originate from brain injury and lead to intellectual disabilities, severe and chronic mental illnesses as well as stroke. Fortunately, most of the patients with cognitive disabilities use assistive technologies to improve functioning in their daily activities.            These assistive and rehabilitative technologies also increase a patient’s positioning, hearing, vision, mobility, learning and communication functions. However, the rehabilitative and assistive technologies range from low-tech devices to high-tech devices. Some of the proven examples of rehabilitation technology for people with cognitive disabilities include: Virtual Environment:            The use of virtual technology tends to create an experience which arouses an actual experience. Virtual technology enables persons with cognitive disabilities to engage in educational and community activities. One of the most widely used virtual technology intervention tool in rehabilitation is virtual reality. Virtual reality incorporates the use advanced technologies such as computers and different multimedia peripherals in producing simulated or virtual environment. These virtual environments are perceived by users as similar to real world objects and events. In the virtual environments, people with cognitive disabilities not only interact with display images but they also move and control virtual objects. As they perform these and other actions, these patients stimulate a feeling of actual presence and submerge their senses in the virtual environment. Virtual reality tools provide these patients with audio, visual, and hap tic (the sense of touch) response of their performance. As a rehabilitation technology tool, virtual reality has unique characteristics that are different from other engaging experiences like reading books, and watching television. Virtual reality is also different from playing traditional computer simulation games. When used as a novel modality, virtual reality is essential in rehabilitation assessment and intervention because of its unique attributes (Weiss Jessel n.d.). Cognitive and Motor Rehabilitation:            This is the other example of rehabilitation technology on patients with cognitive disabilities and incorporates the use of Gesture Xtreme virtual reality system to achieve different levels of immersion. This technology helps the users to stand or sit in an isolated area while viewing a large monitor or projected image. The large monitor exhibits different series of simulated functional tasks like catching virtual balls. The Gesture Xtreme VR system helps in cognitive and motor rehabilitation through a process known as video gesture. This is an example of proven rehabilitation technology as digital video cameras translate video signals of the patient’s movements for processing by exceptional software. The patient’s image is therefore processed like the processing of screen animation, text, sound and graphics. Notably, the reaction of screen animation, text, sound and graphics processing is largely dependent on the patient’s movement. The commencement of changes in a virtual reality environment through video contact is a process known as video gesture. This rehabilitation technology helps people with cognitive disabilities as their on-screen video image reacts when they move. The process not only gives a deeper degree of realism to the virtual reality experience but also results in the patient’s complete engagement in the replicated task. Conclusion:            In conclusion, assistive technology has a major impact on individuals with cerebral palsy. The necessity and impact of assistive technology on these patients cannot be overemphasized. According to recent research, this technology enables patients to carry out tasks that could be otherwise impossible regardless of the person’s disabilities. Given the ongoing technological advancements, assistive technology will continue to develop and counter various disabilities that many people face. References: â€Å"Assistive Technology and Cerebral Palsy.†(n.d.). Cerebral Palsy Source. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from Kahn A. B. (n.d.). Assistive Technology for Children who have Cerebral Palsy: Augmentative Communication Devices. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from Kralj A. et al. (n.d.). Gait Restoration in Paraplegic Patients. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from Weiss P.L Jessel A. (n.d.). Virtual Reality. Retrieved May 28, 2010, from
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