Mba admission essays
Topics On Music Appreciation Research Paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Todays Fashion Ltd.
Todays Fashion Ltd. Q1: Job examination led by Mary for Todays Fashion ltd is wasteful. This is on the grounds that a run of the mill investigation of any activity requires a mix of more than one technique as well as approach in breaking down assignments to show up at quality result. Utilizing a sngle technique in examining any given errands prerequisites in many cases brings mistaken outcomes attributable to the apparent shortcomings of such a strategy. Such shortcomings diry affect undertaking and abilities examination techniques. Also, work examination ought to be completed by an expert with pertinent specialization in employing/enlistment systems so as to guarantee dependable consequences of the whole investigation. As prove from the contextual investigation, Mary who is the pacific locale deal director has no conventional instruction on work examination or specifically faculty the executives preparing. Any activity examination conveyed by people with no proper preparing is probably going to be wast eful. Preparing is fundamental to the nature of yield for some random assignment and additionally movement. In this manner, Marys experience alone doesn't qualify her to found powerful activity investigation plan. The technique utilized by Mary is suitable. In any case, the shortcoming of the general investigation is brought by depending on one technique to think of the examination. Furthermore, depending on experience might be emotional and in this manner may not really mirror the undertaking prerequisites. All things considered, there are different qualities of the team lead endeavors. To start with, during the meetings, the questioner can successfully portray himself to the individuals he is talking with contrasted with different techniques like polls. Appropriate depiction of the undertaking prerequisites will empower the questioner to think of legitimate ends with respect to the activity investigation. Meetings will assist the questioners with clarifying issues which are not satisfactory to the individuals being met. Explanation of issues will empower the individuals being met to offer dependable responses to the questioner. Additionally, interviews permit prompt reaction and communication condition between the enlist and the business, when contrasted with different techniques like polls. This lifts firms exertion in driving required ends for work examination Just-in-Time. Meetings are additionally helpful for complex inquiries that require serious conversation which couldn't have in any case be accomplished through other strategy for work investigation. Meetings may likewise be altered to accumulate additional data expected to make ends when contrasted with different strategies, for example, web based enlisting which are static. In any case, Marys endeavors have different shortcomings. Initially, meetings may prompt one-sided ends as the result of the whole technique is pegged on abstract assessments such early introduction impacts of the questioner. One-sided end may influence the companys proficiency in choice and enlistment of HR if the determination depends on the one-sided work investigation. Furthermore, meeting just as worker expertise examination requires a questioner with pertinent abilities and importance for quality outcomes, which Mary is without. In this manner, the endeavors utilized by the project supervisor may not yield the ideal outcomes. Besides, interviews are tedious and costly. Likewise because of the huge size of Todays styles, meet did on the example outlet may not speak to the perspectives on the 35 outlets that Mary is overseeing. Q2: Some of the components that Mary should considered with more weight to improve her activity investigation incorporates the recurrence of explicit errands, aptitudes, multifaceted nature and endeavors applied in performing different falling the associate chiefs position, in order to successfully assess the ability and aptitudes to looked for during recruiting. Likewise, so as to improver the nature of her examination, Mary ought to consider the earth and occupation showcase elements in which the business is working. Condition in many cases majorly affects prerequisites in completing a given undertaking. Workplace may incorporate, for example, forceful and antagonistic clients and extraordinary personalities, among others. Thought of workplace by the project supervisor in work investigation for Todays style is vital as it will help select head supervisors with great client relations abilities. Significant client connection is vital for todays design ltd in light of the fact that a few clients are forceful and threatening, and in this way managing these sorts of clients requires elevated level of client relations limit. To improve the nature of investigation, Mary ought to likewise consider the hardware and instruments expected to perform different undertakings. For example, if the stores records are to be kept up utilizing an electronic framework, the choice ought to incorporate a director with pertinent data innovation abilities. Moreover, the project lead ought to consider association culture and procedure to improve her nature of investigation. An investigation that is reliable with the way of life and set down strategies for the most part yields positive returns for some random firm. Q3: Job depiction and particular arranged by Mary doesn't give off an impression of being careful. This is on the grounds that the depiction neglects to meaningfully illuminate the job of the associate chief in a given store division. An associate director has a critical level of expert in settling on key choices on store departmental issues under designated authority from general stores supervisor. Furthermore, under occupation determination, to successfully oversee human capital in a given store Mary should forces some degree of the board aptitudes. This is on the grounds that the proficiency of the executives is legitimately corresponding to the companys productivity and additionally execution. As I would see it, the activity particular and depiction model delineated by Mary doesn't shape a considerable ground to frame a premise of new choice measures. This is a result of the escape clauses noted in the detail and expected set of responsibilities plan. For example, the capabilitie s wanted for the associate head supervisor are deficient, and no thought has been made to incorporate power issues and obligations scope. The records arranged by Mary will neutralize firms objective achievement measures whenever sued for segregation in enrollment of representatives. This is on the grounds that she limits arrangement to the individuals who have recently worked with the Todays design somewhat.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Santa Clause Quotes
The Santa Clause Quotes The Santa Clause is a 1994 film featuring Tim Allen, about Scott Calvin, a man who harms Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. He and his child Charlie discover Santas sleigh and reindeer (the cheerful old mythical being is mysteriously absent), and they finish his Christmas Eve toy conveyances. Be that as it may, when Scott and Charlie go toward the North Pole to restore the sleigh, they find the catch: Scott is presently the new Santa, and needs to take on his duties. Scott from the outset experiences difficulty accepting what happened was genuine, however Charlie remembers everything and starts telling individuals his father is Santa Claus. This causes grinding with Charlies mother, Scotts ex Laura. Inevitably, with the assistance of a mystical snow globe, Scott acknowledges his new job, and he streamlines things with Laura so he can be a piece of Charlies life.â The film was a basic and film industry successâ and brought about two spin-offs (that were not too gotten as the original).â Here are some critical statements from the film The Santa Clause.â Statements from Scott Calvin Joyful Christmas to all, and to each of the a goodbye! At the point when I return home, Im getting a CAT check! Would we be able to return a non-stop trip to the real world, or do we need to change planes in Denver? Who gave you authorization to tell Charlie there was no Santa Claus? I think if would pulverize our children fancies, I ought to be a piece of it. Well children, I unquestionably trust you have been acceptable this year since it would appear that Santa just took out the Pearson home. Charlie, avoid those things. Theyre reindeer, you dont know where theyve been. They all look like theyve got key lime ailment. Statements from Charlie Calvin You said you put stock in Santa Claus, right Dad? Charlie: Whoa, Dad! Youre flying! Charlie: Get the pack of toys. Scott: And do what? Charlie: Go down the smokestack. Scott: Down the smokestack? You need me to bring the toys down the fireplace into a bizarre house in my clothing? Bernard: Hey, how goes it with you? Scott: Im trying to say farewell to Charlie. Bernard: What farewell? Charlie, youve still got this show on the road glass ball I gave you, right Charlie: Yeah. Bernard: Well, all youve got the opportunity to do is shake it, at whatever point you need to see your father. He can return to visit you whenever day or night. Charlie: Really? Bernard: Have I at any point controlled you wrong? Statements From Other Characters in The Santa Clause Laura: All Neil let him know was that Santa was all the more an inclination. Even more a perspective than a real individual. Little Elf Judy: Seeing isnt accepting. Accepting is seeing. Mr. Whittle: You should see a specialist, a therapist, a dietician, anything. I dont know whats transpiring. Youre beginning to resemble the Pillsbury Doughboy. E. L. F. S. Leader: Were your most noticeably awful bad dream... Mythical beings with mentality. Bernard: In getting into the suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer forgoes any option to any past character, genuine or inferred, and completely acknowledges the obligations and duties of Santa Claus, in interminability to which ​time the wearer gets incapable to do as such by either mishap or plan.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Sample of an Analysis Essay - How to Make It Interesting
Sample of an Analysis Essay - How to Make It InterestingWhen you are writing a sample of an analysis essay, one of the key aspects that you should think about is how to make it interesting. The best way to do this is to choose the topics that are going to make your essay interesting. Most students will have one or two topics that they want to discuss and you can decide what topic should be used and how to do this.A great way to show that you have done your homework and that you have chosen a topic is to put some of your writing samples in the essay. If you are writing an essay for a test, you can include some of your work from the past year. This is one way to help your writing samples stand out from the other essays. Since you are writing a sample, you are trying to get noticed by the student who is reading the essay, so it is important that you use what you already know to your advantage.Also, when you are doing your writing samples, you need to make sure that they come across in a manner that you will like. If you are writing for your opinion, then you need to make sure that the writing samples you include are written with no bias. If you are writing to persuade a listener, then you need to make sure that the samples you use do not come across as manipulative. You can use this as a way to show that you are someone who is concerned with writing well, even if you are not necessarily interested in making the argument for yourself.By showing that you are willing to help others, you can also use your sample to convince yourself that you have done a good job in writing the essay. There are many students who see something in your writing that they like. However, once they start to write their own sample, they realize that the writing does not match up with the samples they have found. This shows that your writing samples are not going to be enough to make you stand out from the crowd.It is not uncommon for students to have multiple writing samples and these samples are often used to make arguments for which you could not make arguments for in your essays. By including your samples, you are using them to make points that you will want to use in your analysis essay. This gives you a better chance of writing an interesting essay.You should also consider including examples of articles that have been included in your sample. By adding these to your essay, you can show that you are consistent and professional. Writing examples can give you a different perspective that may be missing from your samples.One of the best ways to make your sample of an analysis essay interesting is to give it a variety of topics that are interesting to you. This makes it easier for the reader to relate to your writing and to think of something new when they look at your sample essay.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Analysis Of Leni Fragakis s Third Grade Class - 1157 Words
At Arts-Based School I did my observation in Leni Fragakis’s third grade class. This was the first observation I had done since learning about instructional design. Since learning it, I now have a new way of observing, I pay more attention to the teacher; how she implemented the lessons, what strategies she uses, and the types of assessments she uses. This gives me a better experience because before I was just paying attention to what the students were doing and their part in the classroom and now I am paying attention to so much more. Even though it is important to watch the kids, I now also know how important it is to observe the teacher, too. I was also able to observe what I am learning in class be used in the classroom. Leni Fragakis’s class was an average size about 20 students with a few more girls than boys. While I was counting the number of students one girl stood out to me, she was in the back of the room in a wheelchair. Because of this the classroom had to be set up in a way she could get to a desk and around the room comfortably. The desk were set up in four sets of five and off to the side there was a table with computers. This means the room was a little crowded but the girl in the wheelchair could still get around to the desk in the back and a few other important places in the classroom. The first lesson I saw take place was the end of a math lesson. The students were independently working on a set of math problems. These problems were mainly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nuclear Energy Not The World - 1800 Words
Nuclear Energy: Not the World’s Answer to Energy Independence Humanity is at a critical point in its history. Sea levels have risen by around three millimeters per year since 1993 (â€Å"Sea Level), and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are measured at 399.3 parts per million (ppm) as of November 2014 (Carbon Dioxide). This is particularly shocking when one considers that over the past 800,000 years, carbon dioxide fluctuations have stayed between 180 and 300 ppm (Smol). Global average temperature, the central focus of climate change, has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. In fact, the current century has seen ten of the warmest years on record (News and Features) These and other statistics are all commonly attributed to human activity and industrialization. Furthermore, the world population will continue to grow, and third-world countries will begin to develop in the coming years, thus adding millions more people in need of electricity. Progressions such as these emphasize the need for a cleaner and more sustainable so urce of energy to replace fossil fuels. Many supporters of renewable and alternate energies turn to nuclear power as a source of energy security in the future. Common nuclear plants use the process of atomic fission to break apart atoms of uranium, releasing heat in the process. This heat is then used to convert water into steam that drives a generator, producing electricity. Theoretically, the process produces no greenhouse gassesShow MoreRelatedNuclear Energy On The World1169 Words  | 5 PagesWill Kaelin Professor Michael McCormick Environmental Science B 6 December 2015 Nuclear Energy In Our World Take a look back into time, picture yourself as a citizen of a small, rural town in in Cambria, England in the late 1950s. Other forms of power are expensive and far away. And you don t the finances to move into a modern town. Would you be in favor or against the building of a factory that could give your town jobs, power and much more? I probably know what the majority would say. ItRead MoreThe Effects Of Nuclear Energy On The World Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pagesconcerning the use of nuclear energy around the world, there is also some varying attitudes when it comes to the development in nuclear energy. The nuclear energy proponents tout it as clean energy, since it does not emit the harmful gasses that are associated with fossil fuel. Moreover, the construction of nuclear power stations does not also emit much CO2 such since other sources of energy are used in powering the instruments used. The UAE has embarked on the construction of nuclear energy plant in a closeRead MoreNucle ar Energy And Its Impact On The World1178 Words  | 5 Pages Nuclear energy has been a topic of world debate since its invention, with both clear upsides and downsides the topic of universal nuclear energy use has been subject to controversy and public scrutiny, but also scientific and economic praise. The field of nuclear energy and its driving forces were originally studied in the time around 1895 and the technology was mostly researched as a weapon for the military, around the time of 1935-1945 nuclear energy research witnessed a major boom. As most knowRead MoreNuclear Energy As An Alternate Source Of The World s Energy1518 Words  | 7 PagesPersuasive Research Essay Using nuclear energy as an alternate source of the world’s energy is a very controversial topic and has been for decades. While fossil fuels have been used for many years for generating the world’s energy, recently other sources of power have been discovered, tested, and used for many types of energy. Some fossil fuels include: oil, coal, and natural gas. While these fuels have their advantages as very effective, they have downsides such as pollution. Most of the pollutionRead MoreNuclear Energy Is Essential For The Modern World1400 Words  | 6 Pagesways to generate energy that plays an enormous role in keeping modern civilization moving forward. This issue gained immense importance after President Trump proposed budget cuts for science programs affecting nuclear energy research programs. Science energy research programs offer tons of knowledge in regard to better understanding sustainable nuclear energy that contributed to tremendous breakthroughs in the last deca des. Nuclear energy is essential for the everyday modern world, which has propelledRead MoreNuclear Power: A Vital Piece in the World Energy Puzzle1952 Words  | 8 PagesEnergy renaissance versus worldwide destruction, these two theories present common views regarding the utilization of nuclear power. Few energy resources have been spoken with such notoriety by some and praised as the final energy solution by others than nuclear power. However, the United States must increase its use of nuclear power in order to cover rising energy demand caused by the global energy crisis. In addition, nuclear power is and will be an important factor in combating atmospheric increasesRead MoreThe World Is On The Verge Of A Crisis1691 Words  | 7 PagesThe world is on the verge of a crisis. Our dependence on non-renewable resources such as coal and natural gas is hurting the Earth. Each day we spew millions of tons of carbon dioxide in the air, and that is trapping the heat from the sun and destroying our atmosphere. World leaders are pushing for more efficient and less carbon dioxide emitting energy. Green energy is a field that the world is trying to develop as well as invest more into. As we have progressed through the 20th and 21st centuryRead MoreThe Threat Of Nuclear Energy Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagesoften speculation surrounding Nuclear Energy. There were reports that the British applied to the United States for permission to carry out their first atomic bomb in the flats of Nevada. These reports were met with much speculation due to the physical size and observable flaws in the British program. Many countries pursue Nuclear energy for weaponry or other status symbols. When Nuclear Energy is harnessed it can have a significant effect. Developments in Nuclear energy have had a great impact on globalRead MoreThe Controversy Regarding The Utilization Of Nuclear Energy1734 Words  | 7 PagesPaul Jones states, â€Å"It seems to be a law of nature, inflexibl e and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win.†The controversy regarding the utilization of nuclear energy focuses upon the assessment of whether the hazards involved are worth the potential benefits. Throughout the progression of mankind, advancements in energy and power production have consistently transformed all lifestyles. Such advancements have, in addition, provided extensive information pertaining to the sciences. RegrettablyRead MoreNuclear Energy : Nuclear Power Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesWhen one hears the words ‘nuclear power’ they are immediately offset with images of Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were agreeably a few devastatingly deadly and lasting disasters involving nuclear energy. With newer technologies and processes such as the use of nuclear fission, however, harnessing nuclear energy has become a safe practice. The global climate and overall health of the world is shifting toward the worse, and huma nity only has itself to blame. It is time that
Most Important Leadership Skills and Competencies Free Sample
Question: Evaluate the Most Important Leadership Skill and Competencies. Answer Introduction The present report aims to examine and analyze leadership skills and competencies required for growth and development of an organization. Organizations require good leadership skills and competencies for achieving success in the competitive business environment of today The business organizations today operate in highly competitive environment due to presence of large number of companies operating in the same industry. There is presence of large number of companies that are selling similar products and services in the same sector. Thus, competition is causing business organizations to adopt changes in their organizational structure for gaining a competitive edge over their competitors. Competition is driving business organizations to adopt a flexible organizational structure in order to promote collaboration between all levels of employees. Collaboration is required by businesses so that all employees participate in the decision-making process and thus enhancing their organizational commitment level (Mar, 2013). In this context, the report evaluates the case study of PepsiCo aiming to change its organizational structure into more flexible and efficient. The Consumer Strategic Insights (CSI) director of PepsiCo has introduced major changes in the organizational structure so that it becomes more creative and competitive. The report, in this regard, has evaluated the most important leadership skills and competencies required for PepsiCo company. The arguments cited in the report are supported by the leadership theories. Critical Evaluation of Leadership Skills and Competencies Required for PepsiCo with the help of Leadership Theories Consumer Strategic Insights (CSI) director of PepsiCo is planning to promote creative thinking processes in the company. The director has transformed the strategic structure of the marketing research department (MRD) of the company for making it more flexible and efficient. The structural designing of the company is divided into main sections, that are, insights BUs and the CSI support center. The insight BUs comprises of the groups inside each business unit for carrying out consumer research CSI support center includes teams that designs and conducts in-house customer studies for supporting marketing and sales strategies. Thus, there exists large need for PepsiCo to introduce major changes in the leadership styles for transforming its organizational structure. This is because the leadership style of top executives and managing directors of a company have a large impact on its growth and performance (Avolio et al., 2009). The introduction of flexible organizational structure in PepsiCo requires major changes in the leadership styles of PepsiCo executives and directors. The flexible organizational structure in PepsiCo is essential for enhancing the creativity of employees and fostering innovation in the company. The flexibility in an organization is necessary to attain competitive advantage by adapting to new changes in the external environment. The CSI director of PepsiCo has developed a new marketing team to enhance the creativity of employees by decentralizing the organizational structure. The strategic nature of the marketing team was changed by the CSI director of the company so that all its employees can work in co-ordination with each other and develop new marketing and sales strategies. This was done mainly to meet customer requirements instantly and gain a proper understanding of their needs and preferences (Puccio, 2010). This requires the CSI Director of the PepsiCo to redesign the work process for enhancing the employees productivity and creativity. The main leadership skill required for transforming the organizational structure by the director of PepsiCo is proper communication. It is highly necessary for the executives and directors of the company to provide clear understanding of the organizational goals and objectives to the employees. The changing organizational structure requires providing proper information to the employees about the necessity of initiating the change and its benefits to the organization growth and development. In this context, transformational leadership theory states that a leader must be able to work in co-ordination with all its group members for guiding and directing the necessary change in an organization. As per the theory, the successful implementation of an organizational change requires a leader to develop a vision for guiding and executing the required change (Shel ton, 2012). The CSI director of PepsiCo is planning to implement an organizational change that aims at decentralizing its structure so that employees can become more productive at workplace. The structural designing of the marketing department of the company into two sections, that are, insights BUs and CSI support center requires providing proper communication to the employees about the nature and designing of the team. This is essential for preparing the employees to accept the organizational change through proper motivation (Evans and Lindsay, 2007). Thus, it can be said that transformational leadership skill is required in the top leaders of PepsiCo. The transformational leader would be able to successfully integrate the CSI department as required by the company for redesigning the organizational structure. The transformational leader would be able to successfully establish the vision, define core strategies, develop a team, assign responsibilities and execute the idea through proper communication and flow of information. The transformational leaders possess the trait to develop proper communication strategies that is required for guiding and directing the overall team to achieve the set goals and objectives. The successful achievement of determined goals and objectives require assigning proper responsibilities to the team members through proper flow of information. The most important trait of a transformational leader is proper communication skills required for creating a vision to guide and direct the overall team (Issaand Khi ne, 2014). The benefits of adopting a flexible organizational structure must be properly communicated to the employees so that they become motivated to work under the new structural designing of the workplace. The CSI director must explain properly to the employees that flexible organizations provide more options to the employees for achieving their personal and professional commitments. Thus, besides enhancing organizational productivity and growth flexibility enables employees to attain a balance between their personal and professional life. The delegation of responsibilities is also a major trait of a good transformational leader. In this regard, it is required that CSI director of PepsiCo must assign properly the responsibilities to the team members as per their skills and competencies (Middleton et al., 2015). The transformational leader should also listen to the opinion of employees and support participative decision-making process. Also, authentic leadership style is also a necessary tra it of transformational leader to work in co-ordination with the employees and discuss their problems and concerns. Authentic leaders promote openness in the workplace by developing honest relationships with the employees by valuing their contribution in organizational success. This increases the motivational level of employees as they become an integral part of organization and thus strives to achieve its goals and objectives. The self-esteem of employees increases as they are given proper to take decision at their level and this enhances their productivity at workplace. Thus, PepsiCo leaders must be authentic and transformational with the competency of directing and executing the organizational change of introducing flexibility in its structuring (Jandaghi et al., 2009). In addition to this, as analyzed from the given case study of PepsiCo the CSI director aims to enhance the innovation and creativity of employees. In this regard, the top executives and directors of the company must possess the leadership skill of innovation. As per the authentic leadership theory, a leader must be able to promote openness and transparency through own personal capabilities and beliefs. The authentic leadership theory states that a leader should encourage openness in a group through supporting creativity of employees. The flexible organizational structure prepares employees to overcome challenges and enhance the organizational efficiency. Authentic leaders promote flexibility in organizational structure through making employees more efficient and focused through increasing their creativity skills. The most important skills required in the leaders for improving organizational performance are technical skills, human skill and conceptual skills. Technical skills refer to the capabilities of leaders to carry out their tasks with adequate use of practical skills related to mechanical, IT or scientific. Human skills refer to the capabilities of leaders to successfully communicate with other employees and thus develop relationship of trust and integrity within the workplace. Conceptual skills refer to the reasoning skills of leaders through which they can develop new ideas and concepts for improving organizational performance. The top leaders of PepsiCo must enhance the skills of employees through developing their technical, human and conceptual skills. Highly skilled employees of the company will become a strategic advantage for the company and enables it to be competitive (Mar, 2013). In addition to this, the leaders should also possess competency of problem-solving, social judgment and knowledge. The top leaders of PepsiCo must be competent enough to analyze, identify and resolve the workplace problem by developing effective solutions. Also, the leaders should inculcate competency of social judgment that enables them to develop new ideas by analyzing the current attitudes of employees. Leaders should also possess adequate knowledge of all the business procedures that enables them to resolve the workplace problems effectively. The leaders of the company should enhance the skills of the employees through providing them proper training to enhance their effectiveness at workplace. The increase in skills and competencies also promotes employees to become more self-responsible through empowering them to take critical decisions (Benlamri and Sparer, 2016). Thus, the top leaders of PepsiCo must enhance the skills and competencies of employees skill so that they have the capabilities to think outside the box and can take important decisions. The CSI director of PepsiCo is planning to redesign the organizational structure so that it becomes a place of providing productive ideas. The creative workplace will enable to meet the needs and demands of consumers appropriately and thus enhances the organizational value (Tondock, 2015). The Authentic leaders enhance trustworthiness among team members thus increasing their productivity at workplaces. The authentic leaders promote openness in business activities and thus support ethical decision-making process in the company. As per utilitarian approach of ethical decision-making, a successful leader must analyze the net benefits and costs associated with taking a particular decision and evaluate its impacts on all the stakeholders of an organization. The adoption of ethical decision-making will help in creating good for all stakeholders with minimizing the chances of any harm or suffering (Puccio et al., 2010). The authentic leaders are self-dependent and hold the responsibility of introducing major organizational changes on their own. They are proactive and creative and thus supports and enhances the innovative capabilities of employees. The flexible management structure supports sharing of work and gives the autonomy to employees to perform their work roles and res ponsibilities as per their schedule. The authentic leadership style also includes effective teambuilding qualities. Thus, an authentic leader is competent enough to develop an effective team that has the capabilities to handle variety of challenges and perform the work appropriately. The CSI director of PepsiCo is decentralizing the organizational structure for achieving competitive advantage in the external market place. In this context, it is essential that top leaders of the company should adopt authentic leadership style that promotes flexibility by encouraging workforce to identify and develop new ways of conducting business activities (Klenke, 2007). The authentic leadership style at PepsiCo would enable the employees to improve their work and make their own decisions. This in turn would increase motivational level of employees by enhancing their confidence level to manage their work schedule as per their own interest. In this context, the theory of McGregor on employee motivation states that employees enjoy work when they possess control in the workplace and thus put extra efforts for resolving workplace issues and enhance the organizational performance. Thus, in this regard organizational leaders must provide new opportunities to the employees for taking responsibilities and thus enhance their motivational level to work in the organization. This style of leadership supports employees to become flexible by accepting the changes and enhancing their problem-solving skills. The creative employees would be able to meet the needs and preferences of customers more appropriately. Thus, it is necessary to achieve customer satisfaction b y faster responding to their needs and requirements. The creative marketing team of PepsiCo developed through structuring of its marketing team would be able to gain a proper understanding of the customer requirements. Thus, it can design the marketing and sales strategies of the company effectively in accordance with the needs and demand of consumers (Hall, 2001). The authentic leadership style also promotes openness that is leaders must be open to suggestions and feedback. The feedback would help in making a necessaryorganizational change that would provide strategic advantage to the organization. Thus, in this regard also, authentic leadership style should be adopted by the leaders of PepsiCo as employeesfeedback is valued for improving the organizational effectiveness. In addition to this, it also helps in promoting a positive attitude in the organization as employees feel free to share their views and opinions with their leaders. This in turn assists in developing a healthy workplace and increase the productivity of employees. The employees are more likely to put in extra efforts when they work in positive environment and this in turn help in improving organizational growth and performance. Authentic leaders also constantly look for better opportunities that can increase the organizational performance. They are able to continually introduc e organizational changes through their creativity and personal experiences (Gardner et al., 2011). As analyzed from the case study of PepsiCo, the most important leadership skills and competencies required by the company to adopt flexible organizational structure is creativity and communication. In this context, the company must adopt transformational and authentic leadership style as supported by the theories of leadership. The transformational and authentic leadership style would enable the company to foster creativity at workplaces through proper communication of its determined goals and objectives (Mar, 2013). Conclusion Thus, it is analyzed and examined through the case study of PepsiCo that flexible organizational structure is necessary for businesses to attain a strategic competitive advantage in the market place. The flexibility in an organization promotes creativity of employees and enables them to provide more productive ideas. This in turn improves the organizational efficiency and productivity and helps in its growth and development. Thus, businesses are suggested to adopt and promote flexibility in their structuring process so that organizations become more productive and creative. References Avolio, B. et al. 2009. Leadership: Current Theories, Research, and Future Directions. Annual Review of Psychology 60, pp. 421-449. Benlamri, R. and Sparer, M. 2016. Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICLIE).Springer. Evans, J. and Lindsay, W. 2007.Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence.Cengage Learning. Gardner, W. et al. 2011.Authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly 22, pp. 1120-1145. Hall, G. 2001. Leadership in Organizations.National College for School Leadership, pp. 1-4. Issa, M. S. and Khine, M.S. 2014. Reframing Transformational Leadership: New School Culture and Effectiveness.Springer. Jandaghi, G. et al. 2009. Comparing Transformational Leadership in Successful and Unsuccessful Companies.The Journal of International Social Research. Klenke, K. 2007. Authentic Leadership: A Self, Leader, and Spiritual Identity Perspective. International Journal of Leadership Studies 3(1), pp. 68-97. Mar, M. 2013. Global Structural Design and Results: PepsiCo Case. Journal of Strategic Leadership 4(2), pp. 6-13. Middleton, J. et al. 2015. Transformational Leadership and Organizational Change: How Do Leaders Approach Trauma-Informed Organizational ChangeTwice?Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services96(3), pp. 155163. Puccio, G.J, 2010. Creative Leadership: Skills That Drive Change. SAGE. Puccio, G.J. et al. 2010. Creative Leadership: Skills That Drive Change. SAGE Publications. Shelton, E. J. 2012. Transformational Leadership: Trust, Motivation and Engagement. Trafford Publishing. Tondock, B. 2015.How Self-Compassion Can Enhance Authentic Leadership Development: A Quantitative Study. Anchor Academic Publishing (aap_verlag).
Thursday, April 23, 2020
My Suitability as an Entrepreneur
In starting a business, one must identify a business opportunity and be willing to take the risks of venturing in the business. He/she mobilizes and manages resources thus creating an organization to enable him/her exploit the opportunity in an innovative manner. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on My Suitability as an Entrepreneur specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Brandstatter posits that, entrepreneurship gives one the ability to enjoy financial rewards/profits, independence and job security (160). Every entrepreneur must be able to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses in assessing his/her suitability in venturing in a given business and should come up with a way of dealing with the weaknesses. The assessment of my suitability as an entrepreneur I have several strengths as far as entrepreneurship is concerned. I am an opportunity oriented individual, meaning that I have the ability to identify a viable busines s opportunity. The identification a business opportunity is important since it acts as a guide to the other important aspects in the development of a business. The other aspects include resources, structures, and the strategy of running the business. In addition, I am an innovative person; I can easily modify ideas in exploiting a given business opportunity. I have the confidence and passion of extending basic ideas or even combining information from many sources and integrate all that into new and useful products or services in meeting the demands of my target group. I am also a charismatic person; I have the capability of instilling optimism in other people and this attribute is instrumental in inspiring the different participants in a business setting such as employees, customers, suppliers, and the entire society within which my business is operating. My hardworking nature is essential in the success of any business venture. I believe that the success of my business depends majorly on my own efforts. Finally, I am self reliant thus able to recognize the challenges involved in starting a given business venture and pull my efforts together to overcome them. However, I have a few weaknesses that I need to work on.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As it is the nature of human beings, I have some weaknesses that I cannot overlook in evaluating my suitability as an entrepreneur. I sometimes tend to be impatient. Impatience may drive me to come up with new business ideas without giving full attention in exploiting the existing ones, which could be much better than the new ones. I need to embrace patience and faith in the existing ideas, as this aspect is fundamental in giving much more time to evaluate a given idea before seeking to implement another. In addition, self-confidence is another trait that may negatively affect my business. I rarely consu lt people in various matters because I always tend to feel that I am the most appropriate besides having the best ideas. Nevertheless, it is important to seek professional advice from successful businesspersons, which could be instrumental in enriching my understanding of the business sector. Procrastination is the other weakness that may hurt my chances of starting a business. In most cases, I procrastinate because of considering myself inadequate in a given field. Therefore, I take unnecessarily long time before commencing activities and this could negatively influence my business aspirations. In dealing with procrastination, I need to learn the art of believing in my abilities more than my inadequacies. Conclusion Evaluation of one’s strengths and weaknesses is essential in determining his/her success in business. Following the above discussion, it is evident that my strengths outweigh my weaknesses. However, to exploit my full business potential, I need to work on my we aknesses. As a result, I will be more patient besides getting more business prowess due to the advice from successful businesspersons. Works Cited Brandstatter, Hermann. â€Å"Becoming an entrepreneur – a question of personalityAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on My Suitability as an Entrepreneur specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Structure.†Journal of Economic Psychology 18.2 (1997): 157-177. This essay on My Suitability as an Entrepreneur was written and submitted by user Oscar Hayes to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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